“There are programs specifically for people who have certain challenges to gainful employment, as well as customized training programs for businesses, registered apprenticeships, incumbent worker training, and an on-the-job training program that offers wage and salary reimbursement to help cover training costs.”
South Carolina ranks #3 in the U.S. for Workforce Development Programs
Source: Area Development, Q3, 2022, “Top States for Doing Business 2022”
SC Technical College System
The SC Technical College System plays a key role in educating and training South Carolina’s workforce for in-demand, high-skilled jobs.
Featuring two internationally renowned statewide programs, readySC™ and Apprenticeship Carolina™, as well as their recent Ezone retraining program, the System is South Carolina’s largest higher education system comprised of 16 colleges across the state serving more than a quarter million students annually.

Enterprise Zone Retraining Program (EZone)
SC Works
The SC Works center works with businesses and potential employees by providing job training and testing, career guidance and job referrals.
The SC Works center is a collaboration of a vast network of workforce partners in South Carolina, including the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce, the S.C. Department of Social Services, the Commission of the Blind, Adult Education, and the S.C. Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.