Chester County is part of the Charlotte Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which is the largest MSA in the Carolinas and the 4th largest in the Southeastern U.S.
40thLargest MSA in the Southeastern U.S.
Doing Business in Chester County
Doing Business in South Carolina
Why Industries Choose Chester
Many industrial clients decide to “Choose Chester” because of our pro-business atmosphere, strategic location and the county’s workforce who are dedicated to hard work, excellence and perseverance.

Top States for Doing Business
SC Ranks30rd

Overall Cost of Doing Business
SC Ranks30rd

Business Incentive Programs
SC Ranks20nd

Competitive Labor Market
SC Ranks50th

Workforce Development Programs
SC Ranks30rd

Energy Availability & Costs
SC Ranks60th

Logistics & Infrastructure
SC Ranks60th

Available Real Estate
SC Tied For20nd

Cooperative & Responsive State Government
SC Ranks40th

Site-Readiness Programs
SC Ranks30rd

Favorable Regulatory Environment
SC Ranks10st

Speed of Project Permitting
SC Tied For20nd
National rankings of South Carolina